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Interactive key distribution RMSED80TRU

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To facilitate the transition to the new remote control, we have created an interactive tool that allows you to identify the function of each button.

How to use the tool:

  1. Look at the images of the two remote controls: the original (left) and the replacement (right).
  2. Hover over a button on the original remote control. Press the button on mobile devices.
  3. Watch how the corresponding button on the replacement remote control lights up:
    • Blue: Direct function (without needing to press the SHIFT key).
    • Green: Function that requires pressing the SHIFT key before pressing the button.

Additional information:

  • SHIFT key: Some buttons on the replacement remote control require pressing the SHIFT key before pressing another button to perform certain functions. If a button on the original remote control requires the SHIFT key, it will be indicated in the image.

If you have any questions or need help using the new remote control, feel free to contact us.

No function
1 / Pro Logic
2 / 3CH Logic
3 / Test Tone / PTY Search
4 / Center Level -
5 / Center Level +
6 / Center Mode / PTY Select
7 / Rear Level -
8 / Rear Level +
9 / Delay Time / Display Mode
10 / Balance L
+10 / Balance R
FM Mode
Sound Mode
No function
Disc 3 Eject
Disc 3
Disc 2 Eject
Disc 2
Disc 1 Eject
Disc 1
CD Pause
CD Play
CD >>I
Deck A
Deck B
Deck Rec Pause
Deck Stop
Deck Play Reverse
Deck Play
Deck >>
Fade Muting
Volume -
Volume +
No function
Fade Muting
No function
Play CD
No function
No function
No function
Stop CD
No function
I<< CD
No function
<< Deck
No function
Deck >>
No function
>>I CD
No function
Test Tone
No function
Sound Mode
No function
Pro Logic
No function
3CH Logic
No function
No function
Disc 1
RDS PTY Search
Disc 2
No function
Disc 3
No function
No function
No function
Eject Disc 1
No function
Eject Disc 2
No function
Eject Disc 3
No function
Center Mode
RDS Dislpay Mode
No function
No function
Delay Mode
No function
Rec Pause Deck
No function
FM Mode
No function
Balance R
No function
L Balance
No function
< Deck
No function
Deck >
No function
Vol +
No function
Vol -
No function
Center Level +
Rear Level +
Center Level -
Rear Level -
No function
No function
1 Tuner
2 Tuner
3 Tuner
4 Tuner
5 Tuner
6 Tuner
7 Tuner
8 Tuner
9 Tuner
+10 Tuner
+10 VCR
No function
No function
10 Tuner
10 VCR
A Deck
No function
B deck
No function
No function
No function
No function
No function
Stop Deck
RDS PTY Select
Instructions for use

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Frequently asked questions
Why does both the SHIFT button and another button illuminate sometimes?
When the SHIFT button and another key are illuminated means that to perform this function, you have to press the SHIFT button first and then the other illuminated button.
Why sometimes more than one button are illuminated on the replacement remote control?
When several buttons are illuminated and none of them is the SHIFT button, it means that you can use any of the illuminated keys to perform the function.
What do the green buttons above the remote controls?
Some remote controls can control several devices. In these cases it is necessary to use different codes to perform all functions, and clicking on these buttons you can switch between the codes. If there are no green buttons, it means that the original remote controls only one device or we have been able to put all the functions in the same code.
Why does the "No function" message come up in some buttons?
This means that this button does not perform any function. It may be that a button does not perform any function when a device is controlled, but that it is used when changing device.
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